Starfire, Poison Ivy progress

Chase started on my gauntlets for Starfire today, they are looking pretty cool.
This weekend I need to order my boots, and maybe go ahead and get the base wig, too.

Haven’t really done anything on Poison Ivy – but today I want to work on the boots. I need to go to the fabric store at some point and find something to cover the boots with.

eta: he’s also been working on the s.f. collar/plus wonder woman parts over the week – he’s been getting a lot more done than I have.

eta #2: little yellow d*con postcards came yesterday! that was fast!

eta #3: went to the fabric store. Bought material for Giselle :B I had been intending on holding off until after the move, but it was 50% off so I went ahead and got it!
Also got boot cover material for Poison Ivy.

  • last_chael

    Hooray for progress!